Home > Chemicals > Ethephon 90%TC CAS: 16672-87-0 Plant Growth Regulator

Ethephon 90%TC CAS: 16672-87-0 Plant Growth Regulator

Ethephon, an organic compound, pure white acicular crystal, used as a growth stimulant for agricultural plants. Ethephon is a high quality and efficient plant growth regulator, which has the effects of promoting fruit ripening, stimulating bleeding and regulating sex transition.

Product Description


Product Name
Ethephon, Ethrel
Chemical Name

 2-chlorine ethyl phosphonic acid

Molecular Formula C2H6CiO3P
EINECS 240-718-3
Package 1kg/Bag; 25kg/drum or customizied
Content 91%Tc;40%as;70%as;48%SL;72%SL
Trademark Senton
Physical and chemical character
Pure ethephon is white needle crystal, Industrial product of ethephon is light brown liquid. Easily soluble in water and organic solvents, slightly soluble in petroleum ether. Melting point 74~75℃。
Ratacute oral LD50 is 3400 mg/kg,miceacute oral LD is 2850 mg/kg,rabbit dermal toxicity LD50 is 5730 mg/kg.

ETHEPHON is a plant growth regulator used widely on horticultural and agronomic crops, may reduce lodging and enhance yield.. Its use varies with plant species, chemical concentration, and time of application. Ethephon controls various physiological aspects of growth and development in plants. The chemical name of Ethephon is 2-Chloroethyl phosphonic acid. On spraying Ethephon liberates Ethylene a natural plant hormone. Ethephon helps in inducing of flowering and breaking alternate bearing in Mangoes, stimulates uniform ripening in Apples, Grapes, Pineapple, Bananas, Tomatoes, Coffee, Cotton, Cardamom, Paddy and in many fruits, and helps in breaking seed dormancy in Groundnut, Sun flower and other vegetable & ornamentals. Ethephon application is an important agro technology from grower's point of view due to its multiple benefits. It is an eco-friendly chemical and has tremendous potential to augment yield and productivity.


Action mechanism

Evinylide, like ethylene, mainly enhances the ability of ribonucleic acid synthesis in cells and promotes protein synthesis. In plant exfoliated areas such as petioles, fruit stems, and petal bases, the increase in protein synthesis promotes the re-synthesis of decellulase in the exfoliated layer, which accelerates the formation of the exfoliated layer and leads to organ shedding. Ethephon can enhance the activity of enzymes, and also activate phosphatase and other enzymes related to fruit ripening during fruit ripening to promote fruit ripening. In senescent or diseased plants, changes in peroxidase are caused by the promotion of protein synthesis by ethephon. Ethylene can inhibit endogenous auxin synthesis and slow plant growth.


Ethephon 90%TC CAS: 16672-87-0 Plant Growth Regulator

Main use

Ethephon is a plant growth regulator, with plant hormones to promote emulsion secretion, accelerate ripening, shedding, aging and promote flowering physiological effects. Under certain conditions, ethylene can not only release ethylene itself, but also induce ethylene production in plants.

Used as a growth stimulant for agricultural plants. Ethephon (ethylene phosphorus) is a high quality and efficient plant growth regulator. One molecule of ethephon can release one molecule of ethylene, which has the effects of promoting fruit ripening, stimulating wound flow, regulating sex transformation, etc.


Promote female flower differentiation

1. When the seedling age of cucumber is 1 leaf and 1 center, each spray the solution once, the concentration is 200-300 mg/kg, and the yield increase effect is quite significant. When the concentration is below 200 mg/kg, the yield increase effect is not significant, and when the concentration is higher than 300 mg/kg, the growth and development of seedlings are too high, which is not conducive to improving the quality of seedlings. After treatment, the female flowers increased, the internode became shorter, and the rate of sitting melon was higher. According to statistics, the plant is less than 20 nodes, almost nodes appear female flowers. At this time, the plant needs sufficient nutrients to make the melon sit and grow, so it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management. Generally, when the temperature is above 15 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to water and fertilize more frequently, not squat, and promote to the end, the amount of fertilizer should be increased by 30%-40% compared with that of no treatment. At the same time, in the middle and late period, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied 3-5 times on the leaf surface to ensure the nutritional growth and reproductive growth of the plant, and to prevent plant aging.

The female flowers of autumn cucumber have a high node, and the effect is particularly significant when treated with 150 mg/kg ethephon at 3-4 true leaves. However, it should be noted that treating cucumber seedlings with 50 mg/kg concentration of ethephon solution will promote the occurrence of female flowers and reduce female flowers.

2. Zucchini spray plants with 150-200 mg/kg ethethylene solution at the 3 leaf stage, and then spray once every 10-15 days, a total of 3 times, which can increase female flowers, mature 7-10 days earlier, and increase early yield by 15%-20%.

Pumpkin can be referred to zucchini, 3-4 leaf stage leaf spraying, can greatly increase the production of female flowers, inhibit male flower development, increase the yield, especially the yield of early maturity. However, the treatment effect varies according to the variety.


Promote fruit ripening

1. Tomato ripeness can be applied by peduncle coating, fruit dipping and fruit coating.

Peduncle: Tomato fruit in the white ripening stage, with 300 mg/kg of ethephon on the peduncle can be applied.

Fruit coating: Apply 400 mg/kg of ethephon to the sepals of white ripe fruit flowers and their adjacent fruit surfaces.

Fruit infusion: After harvesting during the color transformation period, soak in 200 mg/kg ethephon solution for 1 minute, and then remove at 25 degrees Celsius to promote red.

Field fruit spray ripening: in the late one-time harvest, with 1000 mg/kg of ethephon solution on the plant can be sprayed with fruit.

2. Watermelons sprayed with 100-300 mg/kg ethethylene solution can mature 5-7 days earlier, increase soluble solids by 1%-3%, increase the sweetness of watermelon, promote seed ripening, and reduce white seed melons.


Promote plant dwarfing

Tomato seedlings with 3 leaves, 1 core piece to 5 true leaves were treated with 300 mg/kg ethethylene solution twice to control seedling growth, and tomato plants were stunted, stress resistance was enhanced, and early yield was increased.


Break plant dormancy

Ginger seed soaking with ethethylene before sowing has obvious effect on promoting ginger germination, which is manifested in fast germination speed and high emergence rate, and the number of germination on each ginger seed increases from 1 bud to 2-3 buds on each seed block. When using ethethylene seed soaking, the concentration of use should be strictly mastered, and the concentration of 250-500 mg/kg is the appropriate concentration, which has the effect of promoting germination, increasing branching and improving root and stem yield. If the concentration is too high, up to 750 mg/kg, it has a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of ginger seedlings, showing small plants, thin stems, small leaves, small roots, and lead to yield reduction.


Major hazard

1. Health hazards: It has irritating effect on skin and eyes, and acid corrosion effect on mucous membranes. The burning sensation was caused by misadministration, followed by nausea and vomiting. The vomitus was brown and black, and the cholinesterase activity was reduced. The patient was in a coma for about 3.5 hours.
2. Environmental hazards: It may be harmful to the environment and cause pollution to water bodies.
3. Explosion hazard: This product is flammable and irritating.
Dangerous characteristics: flammable in case of open fire, high heat. Its powder and air can form an explosive mixture, when it reaches a certain concentration, it will explode when it encounters Mars. Toxic gases are released by high thermal decomposition.
4. Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse with plenty of running water. Seek medical attention.
5. Eye contact: Immediately lift eyelids and rinse thoroughly with plenty of running water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
6. Inhalation hazard: quickly leave the scene to a place with fresh air. Keep your airway clear. Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention.
7. Ingestion hazards: Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Gastric lavage, catharsis. Seek medical attention.

Ethephon 90%TC CAS: 16672-87-0 Plant Growth Regulator

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