HSG-128648V23 is a monochrome graphic LCD display module, which having 128×64 dots, Built in with SBN0064G controller IC or compatible controller. It supports 6800 8-bit parallel interface, 5.0V power supply and DC-DC convertor built in. The LED backlight default color is yello-green, There are different LED backlights available in various colors including blue, green, white and red.
Product Description
HSG-128648V23 is a monochrome graphic LCD display module, which having 128×64 dots, Built in with SBN0064G controller IC or compatible controller. It supports 6800 8-bit parallel interface, 5.0V power supply and DC-DC convertor built in. The LED backlight default color is yello-green, There are different LED backlights available in various colors including blue, green, white and red.
The 128x64 Graphic LCD Display Module with Yellow-Green Background is a type of liquid crystal display that can display graphics and text. It has a resolution of 128x64 pixels, meaning that it can display up to 128 columns and 64 rows of pixels. The yellow-green background refers to the color of the display's backlight.
This type of LCD module is commonly used in embedded systems, such as microcontroller-based projects, where it can display information such as sensor readings, status messages, and menu options. It can also be used in industrial control panels, medical equipment, and other devices that require a small, low-power display.
The module typically includes a controller chip that handles the display's communication with the host system, as well as any necessary voltage regulation for the backlight. It may also include an interface for connecting to the host system, such as SPI or I2C.
Overall, the 128x64 Graphic LCD Display Module with Yellow-Green Background is a versatile and widely used display technology that can be found in many different applications.
●128×64 dots
●Background: yellow-green
●backlight: LED, yellow-green
●Built-in controller SBN0064G (or Equivalent)
●+5V power supply, DC-DC built-in
●1/64 duty cycle
●Interface: 6800,8-bit
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